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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Sonic Gems Collection

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Game Name : Sonic Gems Collection
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-12-13 17:47:59
Views : 21183

Soundtrack song: Sonic 6290 Mix and Sonic Boom D'mb Mix:
Start Sonic CD five times

Museum picture: Sonic CD Artwork Set 4:
Accumulate over two hours of game play in Sonic CD

Museum movie: Sonic's History Video:
Accumulate over 24 hours of game play with over 50 overall games played.

Museum picture: Sonic The Fighters Artwork Set 1:
Play Sonic: The Fighters five times

Museum picture: Sonic CD Artwork Set 1:
Play Sonic CD five times

Museum picture: Sonic Adventure DX Artwork Set 2:
Play Sonic Spinball ten times

Museum movie: Sonic Adventure Intro Video:
Accumulate over 24 hours of game play with over 70 overall games played.

Museum picture: Sonic Vs. Metal Sonic Sonic Screensaver Artwork:
Complete Sonic CD

Soundtrack song: Living in the City LTN Mix:
Start Sonic R ten times

Museum picture: Sonic CD Artwork Set 2:
Play Sonic CD ten times

Museum picture: Sonic R Artwork Set 3:
Accumulate over one hour of game play in Sonic R

Museum picture: Sonic Heroes Movies Artwork Set 1:
Play Tails Adventure five times

Museum bonus pictures:
After unlocking these pictures, select them in the indicated order to unlock the corresponding bonus. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

160 (Chaotix logo from the top): 146, 145, 144, 142, 143
180 (Shape of a GEM): 162, 163, 164, 166, 170, 172, 174, 178
200 (Order pictures appear in the credits): 12, 23, 54, 10, 22, 25, 39, 56
218 to 219 (7 Metal Sonics): 10, 25, 39, 40, 56, 93, 160
220 (8 Sega logos): 18, 106, 118, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140
260 (Fighters CPU order): 5, 4, 9, 8, 3, 6, 7, 2, 10, 11
281 to 285 (6 Holiday): 110, 112, 122, 130, 132, 137
320: Complete all of the goals.
286 through 295: Watch the credits five times.
296 through 300: Watch the credits ten times.

Soundtrack song: Can You Feel The Sunshine ACID Mix:
Accumulate over three hours of game play in Sonic R.

Museum picture: Sonic Heroes Movie Artwork Set 3:
Accumulate over one hour of game play in Tails Adventure

Soundtrack song: Sonic After 6290 Mix:
Start Sonic CD ten times

Museum picture: Sonic Adventure DX Artwork Set 3:
Accumulate over one hour of game play in Sonic Spinball

Museum picture: Sonic R Artwork Set 1:
Play Sonic R five times

Museum picture: Sonic CD Artwork Set 3:
Accumulate over one hour of game play in Sonic CD

Museum picture: Sonic Championship logo:
Complete Sonic: The Fighters

Museum movie: Sonic Heroes Trailer:
Accumulate over 24 hours of game play with over 30 overall games played.

Museum picture: Sonic Adventure DX Artwork Set 1:
Play Sonic Spinball five times

Museum picture: Sonic R Artwork Set 4:
Accumulate over two hours of game play in Sonic R

Museum picture: Sonic Heroes Movie Artwork Set 2:
Play Tails Adventure ten times

Museum picture: Sonic The Fighters Artwork Set 4:
Accumulate over two hours of game play in Sonic: The Fighters

Museum picture: Sonic R Artwork Set 2:
Play Sonic R ten Times

Museum picture: Sonic Adventure DX Artwork Set 4:
Accumulate over two hours of game play in Sonic Spinball

Museum picture: Sonic The Fighters Artwork Set 2:
Play Sonic: The Fighters ten Times

Museum picture: Sonic The Fighters Artwork Set 3:
Accumulate over 1 hour of game play in Sonic: The Fighters

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